Tag Archives: writing life

Cat Consultant Hired!

Kenzi and Carlos

What is a dog-loving, allergic-to-cats, author to do when she wants to include a very special cat character in one of her books? Why, hire a Cat Consultant, of course! Or in this case, two cat consultants, Kenzi and Carlos. (Kenzi appears more comfortable with the position, don’t you think?)

Kenzi is one of my beloved Beta Readers. Carlos is…well, feline.

I will keep you posted on how the consult goes. I’ve already discovered that cats communicate a lot with their ears. News to me!

My dogs, Miss Gracie and Avalon, are withholding comment at this time. Though they have remarked positively in the past about the presence of dogs in The Two Realms Trilogy and The Teen Witch Saga.

THE AMBER ELIXIR Kindle Countdown: 99 cents May 30-June 6.

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